Top 20 NuGet dotnet-standard Packages

Asp.Net Integration for WebLinking
Package Description
A netstandard2.0 library that consumes the new Instagram Basic Display API. Also includes a Razor Pages Web example that shows how to use the library and a Static site example that shows how to consume the new Instagram Basic Display API with just vanilla JavaScript.
Contains different templates to be used with dotnet-new
A Xamarin library for .net that can help you to manage the localization in your application. The library uses Mafe.Localization
Foundational Classes for the Flagscript Framework
Experimental .NET Standard IOC container.
Middleware that logs requests for ASP.NET Core in w3c format.
A small .NET Standard library for writing well-structured, clear-cut 3A tests.
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
ADO.NET 数据库访问。
VimeoClient library provides a simple connector to Vimeo REST services.