Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Package Description
IL Assembler (ILAsm) + IL Disassembler (ILDasm) Custom version on .NET Core CLR (CoreCLR) 3.0 Target platforms: Win.x64 and Win.x86 4.700.2.0+4fde65a56 _ _ _ _ _ _ The MIT License (MIT) Modified and...
This is a port of ThinkingHome.NooLite library for dotnet core platform
.NET utility classes to aid with Command Query Separation
.Net 自定义公共库
Package Description
This is a handon nuget package.
It installs Visual Studio project templates to be used when creating projects from .NET Core 'dotnet new' command line interface. Currently, it contains a project template for a NSpec test library targeting both .NET Core and .NET Frameowrk. NOTE: Even if template currently creates a project suppo...
Easy library to encapsulate Mongo queries into a single call, handle references and simplifying development
NetworkComms.Net is a high performance cross-platform network library written in C#, with the purpose of being used in all .NET Framework compatible languages, C#, VB.Net, F#, J#, C++/CLI etc.
Syntactic (Semantic) Versioning for .NET libraries heavily inspired in elm-package (bump and diff)
Get msbuild info as cli tool
Entity Framework metadata, trace and dump extensions for .NET 3.5
SendGrid email sender for ServiceBase.Notification.Email
SMTP email sender for ServiceBase.Notification.Email
Provides the ability to manage jobs and schedules.