Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Database manager for .NET
DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
Lava is a small Blazor components library
Dark themed control and docking library for .NET WinForms based on Robin Perris' DarkUI
The library that supports inspecting the contents of .NET assembly via reflection without loading it into the current process
Steema Numerics is a new suite of .NET 5.0 assemblies designed to facilitate the integration of Machine Learning in the analaysis of your data.
.NET CLI Tool that prints the command-line arguments it receives, to help debug scripts and apps.
PSTk is a collection of features available in .NET that enhances your game server performance. This toolkit contains optimized code and utilities commonly used on game development.
Lee el contenido del fichero de notas de gsNotasNETF (.NET Framework 4.8) y guarda cada nota como un documento en Drive. Las notas (documentos) de cada grupo se guardará en una carpeta independiente. Biblioteca creada con .NET Standard 2.0 para compatibilidad con .NET Framework y .NET (Core) (revi...
MSBuild evaluation, fsproj file loading, and project system for F# tooling
Collection of AspNetCore extensions and reusable functionality.
This library includes AutoCache attribute for AspNetCore.
Provides a licensing extension for Azure IoT Edge using the WorkSense Edge Licensing Service.
Introducing Flux Architecture and other utilities to Blazor Components
An extensible source generator library for arbitrary avatar (a.k.a. dynamic proxy) code generation at compile-time. Built from
The Mobile.BuildTools 2.0 is more powerful than ever before. Whether you're managing your application secrets, environment configurations, using CSS with Xamarin.Forms, or looking for a super powerful API that can enable powerful solutions for all of your App Icons / Images. If you aren't using Mobi...
$ dotnet new -i Paulovich.Caju::0.7.3 $ dotnet new manga It generates a .NET Solution following the Clean Architecture Style, DDD and Separation of Concerns in Domain, Application, Infrastructure and UI.
.NET Core global tool continuous test runner that monitors and runs only the tests affected.
JetBrains Profiler API allows you to control profiling sessions right from the code of your application. Use this API in conjunction with JetBrains dotTrace, JetBrains dotMemory, or JetBrains dotCover. This API can also be used in conjunction with JetBrains Self-Profiling API.
King.Azure.Data Class Library