Top 20 NuGet .netstandard Packages
DO NOT USE. Instead simply use the JSNLog package.
Provides common extensions and new APIs for the .NET Framework.
Curiosity.Migrations is a migration framework that uses SQL scripts and code migration to alter your database schema or seed a data.
Without migrations you need to create a lots of sql scripts that have to be run manually by every developer involved. Migrations solve the problem of evolving a database schema for multiple databases (for example, the developer's local database, the test database and the production database).
C1.DataConnector provides the base classes to manage data source as tables and parsing SQL.
C1.AdoNet.OData is an ADO.NET based data provider for OData.
MYear.ODA is a high-performance ORM component for SqlServer / MySql /Oracle / DB2 /SQLite ; It support .Net Framework / .NetCore /.NetStandard
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.Salesforce is an entity framework core based database object mapper for Salesforce.
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.Kintone is an entity framework core based database object mapper for Kintone.
C1.AdoNet.Salesforce is an ADO.NET based data provider for Salesforce.
C1.AdoNet.Kintone is an ADO.NET based data provider for Kintone.
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.QuickbooksOnline is an entity framework core based database object mapper for Quickbooks Online.
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.GoogleAnalytics is an entity framework core based database object mapper for Google Analytics.
C1.AdoNet.QuickbooksOnline is an ADO.NET based data provider for Quickbooks Online.
Provides Secure storage of key value pairs for iOS, Android, UWP, MacOS(OSX) and Tizen apps.
DataCollection.EntityFramework allows using entity framework as the source of controls supporting C1.DataCollection.
Commonly Used Types:
DataCollection.AdoNet allows using ADO.NET data providers as the source of controls supporting C1.DataCollection.
Commonly Used Types:
Curiosity.Migrations is a migration framework that uses SQL scripts and code migration to alter your database schema or seed a data.
DataCollection.BindingList allows using any IBindingListView, including DataTable views, as the source of controls supporting C1.DataCollection.
Commonly Used Types: