Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Persits Software AspPDF.NET
Guna UI is the suite for creating groundbreaking desktop app UI. It is for developers targeting the .NET Windows Forms platform.
Core classes for applications and libraries.
Generic performance testing library for executing load-tests written in .NET c# Visit project website for examples.
Ranta UEditor server processor.
Extensions for system classes.
Lightweight and fast .NET web-framework based on MVC and OWIN
Supported on dotnet standard2(Windows/Linux/OSX), provide similar interface to Google offical API.Quality and window control is supported. The library use the native runtime and its performance should be better than System.IO.Compress.BrotliStream. For more document,please visit
Helper classes to set up and run as Win32 services without depending on full .NET Framework.
Shared utilities for web applications
Applied migrations for "database first" approach. Migrations are stored in appSettings.ScriptsDirectory, use appSettings.ScriptsConnectionString connection string name and appString.Environment for active Environment. Call as "DatabaseUpdater.UpdateDatabase(Server.MapPath("/"))" in globa.asax
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.Cad is based on .NET Framework. It is a layer extension to the Map Suite product line, see below for compatibility. This extension provides the ability to render CAD formats as a data source. Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to aid in the creation,...
The NmpCore Task can be used to run the .NET Memory Profiler tool NmpCore as an MsBuild task. It will automatically run NmpCore after build for all profiler projects (.prfproj) in the project that are marked with the Build Action "NmpCore". To run unit tests using NmpCore, it is recommen...
Edge.js allows you to run Node.js and .NET code in one process. You can call Node.js functions from .NET and .NET functions from Node.js.