Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

weixin open api
sqlite log store
log utility
helpsd asp net identity sqlite user store
helpsd asp net
AKSoftware.Languages helps you to create a multilanguages apps. and create your languages anytime very easily.
Thuc Nguyen's .net library
This package provides all native binaries and internal scripts needed to run Edge.js. This package copies the 'edge' folder to the build directory and creates a link in the project root to make debugging possible.
Simple Repository to be used with Entity Framework Core ... Initial Release 1396/11/22
Git hooks in .NET code
This Generic Conversion library totally gonna save your time in conversion that we mostly spend on net for searching conversion methods, Here you can convert Generic list/Objects into DataTable or Json or vice versa.
Collection of tools for advanced handling of Clipboard data (virtual files), change notifications etc.
Pagination, sorting, filtering, projection and expanding library for .NET Core
Common .Net library
Lightweight page content management