Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

A simple extension .NET Core CLI tool extension for loading and playing .NET Rocks! show episodes from command-line.
A Mediator.Net's middleware that to handle unit of work, it provides a CommittableTransaction for Handlers to enlist.
Yelp Fusion Client is a .NET wrapper for the Yelp REST API. The library is written in C#.
.Net Core Zipkin Tracer
A small library to standardize how data and errors are returned from called methods. Built to use .NET Standard 1.0 libraries
A markdown parsing and rendering library for C# and Windows Universal Apps.
Simple .Net Standard library to read and write CSV files asynchronously.
Portable class library for interfacing hardware devices.
.Net 4.5 extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain
Firmata extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain.
The .NET Memory Profiler API can be used to retrieve memory usage information, perform memory assertions, and collect memory snapshots from within a profiled process. This API is intended to be used for automatic memory testing with the help of .NET Memory Profiler or NmpCore. The SciTech.NmpDataC...
GameSparks.NET is a a REST API wrapper for the GameSparks REST API.
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain
Useful utilites and classes for dealing with .NET Core MVC.
NClap is a .NET library for parsing command-line arguments and building interactive command shells. It's driven by a declarative attribute syntax, and easy to extend.
StackEchange's MarkdownSharp version targeting .net standard
Mail sending utilities for .NET
Attribute-driver Service Registration for .NET Core