Top 20 NuGet .net Packages
A high-performance and reliable Excel library which lets you add create, load, and manipulate Excel documents right in your .NET applications easily with a few lines of code.
ZIP Key Features:
- Manage workbook: Create new and modify existing workbooks
- Ondemand loading worksheets
- Show/hide sheet...
A .NET 6 Library to assist with sending emails via an SMTP server.
Classes diverses sur .NET Standard
Simple, fast and lightweight (No dependencies) .Net Wrapper for Slack API Incoming webhooks. Push rich messages and attachments to your Slack channels from your .Net Core, .Net Framework or .Net Standart apps.
Contains shared dll's and extinsions for comman Asp.Net Core programming and data operations.
ASP .NET Core Extensions for DipSocket, a lightweight publisher / subscriber implementation using WebSockets.
This is a Fluent API library for the most common EFCore functions using Repository pattern.