Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

The GoogleRecaptchaMvc is a .NET library used to create the html control of Google Recaptcha for mvc.
The GoogleRecaptchaWebForms is a .NET library used to create the server control of Google Recaptcha for web forms.
Libset for agile software development
C# port of the Ruby gem ( and is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
============================================================================== This is a snnipet to connect to some Intelipost webservices and make easier your integration. Intelipost is a technology & consulting company based in São Paulo, Brazil that offers a Logistics Gateway API and provides S...
.NET library for reading, writing, comparing, and converting XBRL reports. Please consider giving feedback if you use the library in your own software projects.
Object Oriented Regular Expressions. Syntax the same as .NET Regular Expressions.
Provides T4 code generation support for PCLMock.
Allows you to control work of flatbed scanner, web and digital camera and any other TWAIN device from .NET environment. You can use this library in your programs written in any programming languages compatible with .NET technology.
SmartReactives is a .NET library that will automatically discover dependencies between expressions and variables for you.
MySQL and SQLite Database data entity mapping interface for VisualBasic
Object Extensions can be used to: (1) Create flattend structures (2) Compare or Combine two objects (3) Get or Set member values (4) Deep Clone (5) Save (text file,S3) object graph (6) Get metadata (7) Get type information (8) Create instance (9) Copy to another object (10) Snapshots Visit the pr...
pdfSweep is an iText add-on that allows you to permanently remove or black out sensitive data from your PDF documents.
Modern OpenGL bindings for C#, System.Windows.Forms utilities. It includes an UserControl implementation that ease the OpenGL context creation using WinForms UI designers. It supports Windows and GNU/Linux.
LibGeoTiff is a .NET Framework wrapper to help with using the GeoTiff format. From the OSGeo website: “GeoTIFF represents an effort by over 160 different remote sensing, GIS, cartographic, and surveying related companies and organizations to establish a TIFF based interchange format for georeferenc...
Genesis.Ensure is a library for application authors (not library authors) that facilitates runtime expectation assertions that can be compiled out of performance-critical builds.
Genuine Channels is a high-end transport environment accessible through .NET Remoting and Direct eXchange Manager (DXM) API. Besides offering steady connections in any environment thanks to configurable reconnect feature, Genuine Channels support communication with clients located behind firewalls, ...