Top 20 NuGet distributedcache Packages
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store.
You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server.
Thanks goes to
Fast, easy, unobtrusive, light-weight, and concurrency-safe cache library for NetCore and Net 5. Prevents cache stampedes and makes it easy to implement application caching.
MongoDB Distributed cache Implementation
AppFabric cache provider for simple distributed cache
Use your DbContext to store your .net core sessions
Caching abstractions for in-memory cache and distributed cache.
Extension methods that expand on Microsoft.Extension.Caching.
ASP.NET Core MVC Cache Tag Helper using Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.SqlServer is a Cache store implementation of Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.Redis is a REDIS Cache store implementation of Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.MySql is a MySql Cache store implementation of Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.InMemory is a Pavalisoft.Caching specific Cache store implementation of InMemory and MemoryDistributed cache
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store.
You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server.
Thanks goes to
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using EasyCaching.
A nice integration between EasyCaching and EasyCompressor.
This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage by compressing your cache data, especially for distributed cache (such as Redis).
EasyCaching is an Easy-to-Use caching library that offers many features...
Command line tool to create tables and indexes in a Microsoft SQL Server database for distributed caching.
Simple distributed cache client (shared)
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Redis.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Redis.