Top 20 NuGet distributed Packages

Provides contracts for creating test runner and test workflow plugins for Meissa distributed test runner.
Application Layer File System Sharding Client
Kademlia DHT K-bucket C# implementation as a binary tree.
Package Description
xxl-job is a lightweight distributed task scheduling framework. XxlJob.AspNetCoreHost host the job executor in a aspnetcore application.
Stateful implementation on top of Azure Service Fabric's Reliable Actor state manager. Provides common .NET data structure concepts persisted in distributed actor state.
A reusable library for working with Akka.NET actors and actor systems.
Simple client managed shared access control with timeout using sql server table row and optimistic concurrency
Provides common interfaces over various common enterprise system implementations.
Package Description
This package contains the reference assemblies for using Dapr users.
This package contains the reference assemblies for using Dapr users.
This package contains the reference assemblies for using Dapr security roles.
A nice integration between EasyCaching and EasyCompressor. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage by compressing your cache data, especially for distributed cache (such as Redis). EasyCaching is an Easy-to-Use caching library that offers many features...
An easy-to-use framework that grants objects(class instances) to communicate with each other through TCP/IP.
Windows Azure Shared Caching enables you to easily provision a cache in the cloud to be used from any applications or services that could benefit from caching. Caching increases performance by temporarily storing information from other backend sources. High performance is achieved by maintaining thi...
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.LegacyConfiguration is a library that allows you to use App.Config or WebConfig with StackExchange.Redis.Extensions
MemCached Cache Manager useful for caching poco's with linq