Top 20 NuGet disposable Packages
Disposable, without the Using.
Additions to Reactive Extensions
Disposable Email Domains (disposable-email-domains) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A utility class which makes correctly implementing IDisposable simpler than ever
10minutemail - API for
Reusable HTTP server integration test building blocks to write integration tests in a more safe and fun way.
The package consists of several functions to help write tests that clean up after themselves,
making assertions more reliable by polling for required results,
adds some standard building bloc...
A simple disposable object with disposal notification
A simple utility class which simplifies creating a class that implements IDisposable
Provides a convenient, easy to use wrapper for Constraint Satisfaction Programming based on the Google OR-tools.
Types, interfaces & extension methods for creating or dealing with disposable resources in .Net.
Best Union Reusable Component
Provides a convenient, easy to use wrapper for Linear Programming based on the Google OR-tools.
Provides a convenient, easy to use wrapper for Constraint Satisfaction Programming based on the Google OR-tools.
LinksPlatform's Platform.Disposables Class Library
IsDisposableMail tells you whether a given email address is disposable (, etc) or not
IDisposable helper types.
Provides classes that interact with docker-machine.exe and docker.exe to automatically start machine, create and cleanup containers. Uses IDisposable for lowest ceremony to make tests shortest
Simple API wrapper for
Simple API wrapper for