Top 20 NuGet display Packages

Digital and I2C LCD character displays
Digital Seven (7) segment display
SPI Color TFT and OLED displays (GC9A01, HC8357B, HX8357D, ILI9163, ILI9225, ILI9341, ILI9481, ILI9488, RM68140, S6D02A1, SSD1331, SSD1351, ST7735, ST7789)
SPI eInk / ePaper display controllers (IL0373, IL0376F, IL0398, IL3897, IL91874, ILI91874v3, SSD1608)
Digital Four digit seven segment displays
Free Spire.PDFViewer for .NET is a powerful viewer component for commercial and personal use. By using Free Spire.PDFViewer for .NET, developers can view PDF/A-1B, PDF/X1A files and open and read encrypted PDF files. This free PDF Viewer API supports multiple printing orientations including landsca...
Lightweight integer accurate 2d graphics drawing system designed for embedded systems
The Avalonia front end for CSharpMath.
Can convert CSharpMath.Atom.MathList parsed from LaTeX with CSharpMath.Atom.LaTeXParser into actual mathematical expressions that are evaluatable with AngouriMath. Supports arithmetic, trigonometry, symbolic simplification and expansion, as well as matrices, sets, and equation solv...
This package includes Windows.System.Display like APIs cross-platform such as: - DisplayRequest for providing a lock on the screen sleep period.
Porting of Windows Forms Screen helper for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). It avoids dependencies on Windows Forms libraries when developing in WPF.
Dynamically generates an HTML code that displays an object.
Dynamically generates an HTML code that displays an object.
The leading framework for displaying, annotating and editing PDFs on iOS, Android, Windows, Electron and the Web. The PSPDFKit Xamarin SDK is being sunset and replaced by Nutrient .NET for iOS (formally PSPDFKit .NET for iOS). All Xamarin SDK licenses will remain valid and fully support...
Take screenshots on .NET (Windows) and Mono (Linux/Mac OS X)
The iOS front end for CSharpMath.
The leading framework for displaying, annotating and editing PDFs on iOS, Android, Windows, Electron and the Web. The PSPDFKit Xamarin SDK is being sunset and replaced by Nutrient .NET for iOS (formally PSPDFKit .NET for iOS). All Xamarin SDK licenses will remain valid and f...
Provides smart default names for view model members in ASP.NET MVC projects.
uScoober Threading (Tasks) for UI (DispatcherTaskScheduler)
A text-based display driver for SSD1306 I2C OLED displays, targeting .NET MicroFramework 4.3+ and Netduino Plus hardware platform. The driver works with I2C interface (only) and offers basic text rendering using bitmapped fonts. Two very minimal fonts are included but because fonts have ...