Top 20 NuGet discovery Packages

The MBW.HassMQTT packages will help in creating .NET applications that integrate with Home Assistant using its MQTT transport. This package contains core services such as value managers and senders
Glader.ASP.RPGCharacter is an ASP Core, EntityFramework, Refit-based and JSON-based Role-playing Game Character library.
Recommended Google client library to access the Data Catalog API. Data Catalog is a fully managed and highly scalable data discovery and metadata management service.
The MBW.HassMQTT packages will help in creating .NET applications that integrate with Home Assistant using its MQTT transport. This package contains HASS MQTT discovery models.
The MBW.HassMQTT packages will help in creating .NET applications that integrate with Home Assistant using its MQTT transport. This package contains Addon service such as notifying HASS of downtime with MQTT LWT.
Glader.ASP.RPGCharacter is an ASP Core, EntityFramework, Refit-based and JSON-based Role-playing Game Character library.
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows ISCSI Discovery Library (IScsiDsc.dll).
Swagger Generator extension for ASP.NET Core APIs built using conventional routing
Glader.ASP.RPGCharacter is an ASP Core, EntityFramework, Refit-based and JSON-based Role-playing Game Character library.
Microphone.Core Class Library
Utility methods for finding types at runtime.
Nanophone Web Api registry tenant
The MBW.HassMQTT packages will help in creating .NET applications that integrate with Home Assistant using its MQTT transport. This package contains common interfaces.
Xamarin.Android Binding for KeepSafe's TapTargetView, an implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery
Glader.ASP.ServiceDiscovery is a basic library for Service Discovery. Provides a quality Refit HTTP client interface as well as Entity Framework Core Database, Repository and ASP Controller for doing simple Service Discovery.
AWS Application Discovery Service Client for the AWS SDK for C++. AWS SDK for C++ provides a modern C++ (version C++ 11 or later) interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is meant to be performant and fully functioning with low- and high-level SDKs, while minimizing dependencies and providing pla...
Microphone.Asp5 Class Library
Middleware to expose an embedded version of the swagger-ui 3 from an ASP.NET Core application
a "Component Discovery" - Framework which supports the dynamically load of assemblies and types (like providers etc.) including a multi dimensional, classification- / clearance-based mandatory access control for components
Extends Swashbuckle 2.18.7 with added error handling