Top 20 NuGet dialogs Packages

Simple control to display images in popup dialogs
Утилиты для Windows и базовые окна для построения интерфейса на WinForms
This is a dialog box which behave like MessageBox of WinForms
Neo Systems (Pty) Ltd Windows Forms Utilities
A small helper Library to use with MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit, it allows displaying some common dialogs and returning a result similar to the old fashioned MessageBox class in WinForms.
Customizable dialog controls
C# Console Utility Microlibrary Boost your C# Console Applications with a few simple extensions and components. For more information check out the project site!
This .ddl is packed with fucntions you can get normaly lie 'File.Copy()' but its easier to understand
Custom dialogs for picking dates and from simple lists for Xamarin.iOS
Tvision2 Dialog Support
SDK for Yandex Alice skills development
Package for dialogs of softwares Vip Soluções