Top 20 NuGet dialog Packages

Uses TypeScript to create a knockout binding that implements bootstrap's modal functionality..
A small JavaScript library including a jQuery plugin wich allows you to easily create dialogs, prompts and alerts using Twitter's Bootstrap framework. Powerfull, flexible and yet, easy to use. You ca go from a basic alert to adding a confirmation dialog to a form with a single line of code or yet, ...
This jquery is used for the Customized Model Popup alert box for the web Applications. -SpMsgbox
An event-driven library for building line-art user interfaces in C#/.Net command-line applications.
Tools for showing an about dialog for WPF applications
DynamiControls Angular Modal Dialog allows creation of modal dialogs similar to FancyBox but without the use of jQuery.
Ein generisches Dialog Fenster. Verhalten und Erscheinungsbild sind sehr detailiert anpassbar. Argumente können mit oder ohne Typ- Einschränkungen übergeben werden. Im Falle eines boolschen Wertes, werden CheckBox Elemente generiert. Einem boolschen Wert können sub- Argumente übergeben werden, desse...
Minimalist .NET development for lazy programmers.
Connect Microsoft Bot Framework to Meetup API.
Ready to use dialogs with Rg.Plugins.Popup and InputKit
Provides a simple interface for WPF-based confirmation dialogs, which can be skipped by pressing shift and are extensively configureable. Targets .NET Framework 3.5 more information at
A managed implementation of the standard Windows credential dialog for WinForms.
ContentDialog for Blazor
Allows the user to select an icon from an .ico, a .exe, or a .dll
Create an MVVM about box. Just instanciate the AboutDialogBoxViewModel, set all the properties and then launch the ShowDialog method. It uses the Theming and Accents from the Mahapps Theming.
OXOX Design Modal