Top 20 NuGet di Packages
A .NET Core based interception framework for AOP programming.
Dependency Injection support for Cedita's .NET Standard implementation of the United Kingdom's HMRC UK Tax legislation.
netcoreapp3.1 EntityFramework with Unit Of Work
Simple but powerful dependency management in .NET Core.
Essence.DependencyInjection provides extensions to the .NET Core DI Provider for Automatic Injection. Continually updated with new features and bugfixes as necessary, commercially supported from Cedita.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments RabbitMQ messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Azure Service Bus messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments RabbitMQ messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Azure Service Bus messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments event authoring abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments event authoring abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of the command and mediator patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of the command and mediator patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Entity Framework data access abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Entity Framework data access abstractions.