Top 20 NuGet devops Packages

Core library for OpenCatapult's task providers, to be used as a contract between Engine and the task providers.
This standard class library allows an application to register itself with Brooksoft.Apps devops software.
Reusables modules used in the aid of a .NET build and release cycle
Serialization helpers for simple serialization of .Net class objects.
Common library for consuming software DEVelopment and software OPerationS library which includes a task runner capable of managing configurable light weight tasks.
Fudge is a PowerShell tool to help manage software packages via Chocolatey for specific development projects. Think NPM and Bower, but for Chocolatey.
Create an issue on Azure Boards when a new error is logged on
AutoRest generated client for Azure Devops REST Apis.
Architecture example of continuous integration, continuous deployment of packaging and version management with dev-ops tools: automation
🎚🎛 Event-Catcher with variety of advanced Actions to service projects, libraries, build processes, runtime environment of the Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, and … Control everything: Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, CI, and more … Open Source Project:
dotnet-apim is a cross-platform dotnet tool which streamlines the CI/CD process of deploying APIs into Azure API Management.
Adding VSO work item operational support for your project .
Cliente de la herramienta sql-sidecar desarrollado en C Sharp (Net Standard) cuyo propósito es servir de apoyo en las tareas de actualizaciones de versiones de bases de datos SQl.
A .NET Standard library for using DevOps Secrets Vault
Support library which enables RevDeBug recording for exceptions within the the Windows Communication Foundation processing pipeline. More information available at: RevDeBug is a r...
A class library for comparing two NuGet packages and determining whether differences trigger SemVer Major, Minor or Patch changes
Implementación de auth de trifenix connect para azure active directory
servicio de correos