Top 20 NuGet device Packages
Library useful for web projects to get information through the user agent about the browser, the operating system and the device type.
ASP.NET Core MVC features that enable mobile view of applications.
Detect Motion Sensors Vector Value changes for: Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer. Across iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows from a single API.
.NET Standard library to help communicate with Sonos devices.
MQTT media component
Digital Twin Device SDK for Azure IoT Hub
A wrapper around the device local drive to easy the directory and file selection
A base interface for the Xamarin.CloudDrive.Connector implementations
C# library used by both SimpleRemote Client and SimpleRemote Server
C# client library for Microsoft SimpleRemote
This package provides client tools to submit requests the Device Guard Signing service (DGSS). Please read the Microsoft Terms of Use for DGSS included in this NuGet package. Usage of DGSS implies acceptance of these terms.
WorkItem Library for Jay