Top 20 NuGet desktop Packages
Desktop Assets, Vue and React Framework libraries, Bootstrap, Material Design SVGs, Font Awesome and Win32 APIs for ServiceStack CEF .NET Core Desktop Apps
Chromely CefSharp implementation - this is in NetStandard as it can be used in both .NET Framework, .NET Core 3 and .NET 5 (Windows Only). Chromely.CefSharp version naming is based Chromely and Chromium versions implemented- major.minor.chromuim version.patch e.g
The ComponentOne Document library for WinForms provides support for creating documents and reports.
ComponentOne Document library for WinForms は、ドキュメントとレポートの作成をサポートします。
ComponentOne Document library for WinForms は、ドキュメントとレポートの作成をサポートします。
ComponentOne FlexPivot for WinForms は、ピボットテーブルとチャートコントロールを提供し、ダイナミックビューを作成して、ミリ秒単位で数百万行のデータを集計することができます。
ComponentOne FlexReport for WinForms は、複雑なレポートの作成からプレビュー、エクスポート、印刷まで、完全な .NET 帳票ソリューションを提供する包括的なレポートツールです。
ComponentOne FlexViewer for WinForms は、C1Report、C1FlexReport、SSRS、PDF ドキュメントなどの異なるドキュメントタイプをプレビューするために使用できるドキュメントプレビューコントロールです。
ArcGIS Maps Local Server SDK extends ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET with advanced spatial data management and analysis for your desktop apps. Requires additional download and installation of the ArcGIS Maps Local Server SDK:
Xwt is a cross-platform UI toolkit for creating desktop applications with .NET and Mono.
This package contains the GTK toolkit backend for Xwt based applications targeting GTK2.
Xwt.Gtk requires gtk-sharp ( The Windows installation package can be obtained from h...
Base classes and utilities for 10Duke Identity and Entitlement client libraries for .Net desktop applications
Lara Web Engine is a lightweight C# framework for web user interface development.
MultiSelect for WinForms is a control that enables selection of multiple items from a list with tag editing behavior.
FlexReport Designer for WinForms provides .NET UI controls for creating a run-time FlexReport designer.
ComponentOne DataFilter for WinForms provides a UI panel that allows users to filter data based on criteria or conditions similar to e-commerce search filters.
ComponentOne Themes for WinForms makes it easy to theme your WinForms controls with many built-in themes and an easy to use theme designer to create your own themes or modify the existing ones.
Includes the AgendaView and TableView extensions for ComponentOne Scheduler for WinForms.
Provides the collapsible row details feature for ComponentOne FlexGrid for WinForms.
The ComponentOne Zip library allows you to compress and manipulate data in zip files. This is the .NET Framework version.
The ComponentOne Word library includes classes and components for creating and reading Microsoft Word files.