Top 20 NuGet deserializer Packages
Fast and dependency-free XML serializer for .NET written in F#
A small two-file JSON de/serializer in C# that also works on MonoDroid/MonoTouch
Inspect values in JSON strings with single line expressions and plain old CLR objects without using foreach/if to extract values from JSON. Extract the 42 from ["first",{"aString":"HelloWorld","aNumber":42}] with C# expression: json.AsList[1].AsDictionary["aNumber"].AsInt
A minimalistic and fast JSON parser/deserializer. Mobile versions for Android and WP8.
General-purpose ETW Deserializer library supporting .NET EventSource, Windows MOF, Kernel, and XPERF Profiling events
Deserialise an XML stream to an Object Graph of any shape in a single pass
A .net library for serialization and deserialization with performance and minimal file size in mind. Works with DataContract and XmlSerialize
A package for simple object serialization and deserialization from and to CSV
Oxbind is an XML deserializer using APIs of .NET Standard 1.3.
A library that deserializes Rainbow (.yml) files into FakeDb items and templates for the purpose of unit/integration testing Sitecore projects.
Simple implementations of DI, Mediator (or CQRS), Logger, JSON Serializer/Deserializer and Mapper
Velo implementation of the interfaces in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. Velo is simple implementations of IoC-Container, Mediator (or CQRS), JSON Serializer/Deserializer and Mapper
XML reader with namespace ignoration