Top 20 NuGet deployment Packages

WindowsAppStore Addin for Cake Build Automation System.
Libraries useful to build custom installers. This one is specific to Windows systems, where WPF / WinForms are not needed use Woof.Core.Deployment instead.
This package contains all necessary components for developing digital twin models and loading them into ScaleOut StreamServer™ for use in processing incoming messages from data sources.
Cake AddIn for managing services with systemctl service manager
NOTICE: This is only usable as an extension to your application if you use simplDeploy as VS-Extension. For more information checkout: Check for updates inside your application with <var result = awaitUpdater.CheckForUpdatedPackage()>. You get a result and if <result.UpdateA...
Package used for easier and automatic deployment of nuget packages to NuGet repository
Commandline parallel deployment tool for service fabric.
Basic mechanism for publishing release notes with a ClickOnce deployment