Top 20 NuGet dependencyinjection Packages

Castle Windsor event wiring facility provides ability to wire up classes exposing events to classes consuming them.
A library for easy setup of IoC/Dependency injection for Umbraco with LightInject
An abstraction that provide ability to use interface with multiple implementations or preconfigured instances in easy way. Drop in replacement for simple switch case factories.
Makes using the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package more convenient, especially when using IServiceScope. Commonly used types: ServiceScopeExtensions - Get services directly without having to specify '.ServiceProvider' each time ServiceScopeLifetime - Get notified (via CancellationToke...
The core part of the Armature framework, can be used to build your own framework with syntax and features of your choice
CodeMonkeys.DependencyInjection contains core mechanisms for dependency injection.
Provides helper classes and extension method to facilitate comsosDb usage
DIDummy is made of love and extensions to help reduce code reuseability
Simple IOC Container which implements Dependency Injection
Lightweight library with common useful extensions.
The default service provider from Microsoft support only Constructor Injection which is great and fast, However in large application it become hard to design the class hierarchy because of this limitation of the service provider. So this package attempt to solve this problem by providing a controlle...
A dependency resolver for Ninject and WebApi - based on work by Brad Wilson
Smart container library ASP.NET Core extensions for .NET
Provides name-based registrations to Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Support Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to ITestOutputHelper. public void Configure(IServiceProvider provider) { XunitTestOutputLoggerProvider.Register(provider); }
Configures Windsor to resolve IRepository as the right configured implementation of SharpRepository
Autofac extension supporting MvvmCross dependency injection.
An extension library for .NET Core.
An interface part of Armature framework to use in the code which shouldn't depend on Armature implementation part