Top 20 NuGet dependency-injection Packages

Butler is an easy-to-use and beginner-friendly IoC (Inversion of Control) container designed for performance, low-memory consumption and easy integrability.
Encapsula a criação de conexões e chamada aos métodos de um serviço SignalR. Ex.: SignalRCreateConnection exemploHub = new SignalRCreateConnection("http://localhost:8082/signalr", "ExampleHub"); SignalRCreateConnection notificationHub = new SignalRCreateConnection(host, "NotificationHub"); 1- "In...
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container based on DispatchProxy.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container.
WPF implementation of the Dependency Resolution Protocol
A CommonServiceLocator adapter for the LightInject service container.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports the web request scope for SimpleInjector.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports Simple Injector.
The Lifetime Scoping package adds an advanced new lifestyle called 'Lifetime Scope', which allows instances to live within an explicitly defined thread-specific scope and get disposed when this scope ends.
Simple, fast and easy to use IoC container
The T4 template searches the template's project to look for non-static, classes, with no constructor. A constructor will be added per class that will take all private instance fields of that type as input.
Low ceremony dependency injection container for javascript
A simple library allowing you to add generic IoC support to your library or app.
An extension to the LightInject service container that allows properties and constructor parameters to be annotated with the InjectAttribute class.
Adds mocking capabilities to the LightInject service container.
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for ASP.NET MVC applications.
A CommonServiceLocator adapter for the LightInject service container.
Enables the LightInject service container to be used in a web application by providing per web request scoped services.
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for Web API applications. See LightInject.WebApi for the binary distribution.
The Execution Context Scoping package adds the 'Execution Context Scope' lifestyle, which allows instances to live within an explicitly defined execution context scope (or logical call context) and get disposed when this scope ends. This scope allows flowing through asynchronous method calls.