Top 20 NuGet delivery Packages

This is not a free use! Only for company internal porpouse.
SMTP mailing service using DotLiquid as templating engine, supporting poco viewmodels as well as anonymous objects.
A C# wrapper for the Pi Delivery API.
A basic razor template building and email sending library. Simply provide a path location to .cshtml files and your mail server configuration information.
deployd package for packaging - CD for Windows
ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows.
Remote helpers used by ConDep operations server side.
ConDepNode is a Node deployed to remote servers by ConDep allowing easy remote interaction with servers.
ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows. This package contians operations for interacting with Amazon AWS, like bootstrapping Windows servers.
Compare two versions of an assembly and suggest how to bump version numbers
A demo application to show off CI and CD
Authentication Microservice Plugin for LVDGW service accessor
Extends Redis publish/subscribe so that potentially lost messages can be recovered
Easily render and send emails in your applications. Supports templating, parallel delivery, observable folders, retry policy, backlog, and more.
Creates an update scripts for sqlcmd to run - build in mind for dbup. Visit for more information.
The easy way to use semantic versioning ( with GitHub Flow
**ober** This CLI tool will help you submit .appxupload packages straight to the Windows Store. It uses the submission API to achieve this.
Stupidly simple and lightweight feature toggle for .Net
Response Wrapper Plugin for LVDGW