Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages

N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
Protobuf-net wrapper
Domain model infrastructure for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
Service bus for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
OpenDDD offers Domain Driven Design framework mostly suitable for building applications with strong domain.
A library with better semantics for list manipulation
An open-source framework can help you develop ddd+cqrs style applications. Support event-sourcing, multithreading, distribution. Also an infrastructure utility library. contains IoC, Cache, logging, Serialization...
Implementation of Specification pattern
Package Description
Concise BDD test framework. [Test] public void IWantTo() { ICustomer customer = new Customer(); SoThat(BusinessValue) .As(User) .Given(customer.Register) .When(customer.Confirm) .Then(customer.Login) }
The main goal of the project is to give you a base when you are working with Domain Driven Design. Contains base information for creating and validating entities and value objects
Classes simples para meus projetos pessoais que são dirigidos pelo domínio. Este pacote foi criado principalmente para meu teste no Appveyor e no momento da criação não havia qualquer intenção de mantê-lo estável.
Package Description
Domain Driven Design bases types for Domain Layer
DDD Library for validate your entities according Vaughn Vernon