Top 20 NuGet database Packages

This provides all abstraction classes and interfaces for data access use Data access service interface and an Entity base class Unit of work interface ...
Provides a generic Mendz.Data-aware context for ADO.Net-compatible access to Oracle databases.
Database library of honjo-net framework. Provides utilitaries for database access and management. ONLY SUPPORTS POSTGRESQL SERVERS FOR NOW
PostgreSQL provider for Marvin.Migration (migration tool for .NET: supports sql script migrations and custom migrations written by C#)
Library for working with databases which helps with unit testing.
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException
Provides access to classes that represents the Henooh Framework Database architecture. Henooh Framework Database allows building components that efficiently manages data from multiple data sources.
The purpose of an Event Store is to represent a series of events as a stream.
This is a fork of the original SQLite-PCL library which includes support for SQLCipher
OMDB_API_Wrapper is an easy-to-use RESTful API wrapper/client for the Open Movie Database API ( This API wrapper focuses on being simple to use, efficient and respects the terminology used in the OMDB API documentation.
Provides classes for handling database connections and data tables
Makes Easy To Use Store Procedure in ADO.Net
Some base classes to include in almost every larger C# project
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with database connections (for Entity Framework Core)
DotNet port of
DotNet port of
DotNet port of