Top 20 NuGet database Packages

Provides Visual Studio package mangement console cmdlets to work with FluentMigrator's migrations.
Provides tools and guidance for creating data access contexts and repositories.
Simple database abstraction layer.
Component for data access with C#.
Simple Object mapping Micro-ORM
Ternkey is a database versioning and migration tool that integrates directly in Web Deploy
Generic interfaces for Repository and UnitOfWork patterns and implementation of the Command pattern with regards to database operations.
PersistenceMap.Interception is a small, extremely lightweight Mocking Framework for PersistenceMap. It helps easily Mock the Return Values of PersistenceMap.
WinForms menu item for managing database connection strings and concealing sensitive information
A .NET 4.5 library which adds OData 4.0 support to the extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to integrate with ASP.NET WebApi.
Base implementation of the repository pattern to be used with Libria.Session library
A .NET library to make operation with HarperDB Example : using HarperDB.NET HarperDBClient harperDB = new HarperDBClient(serverURI, userName, password); await harperDB.CreateSchema("SchemaName"); await harperDB.CreateTable("SchemaName", "TableName", "id"); await harperDB.InsertRecord("SchemaName"...
A Compositional, Safe Query Framework for Dynamic F# Queries
Simple .NET Core 2.0 database migrator for SQL Server.
Simple .NET Core 2.0 database migrator for PostgreSQL.
Core components of Exodus - simple database migrator for .NET Core 2.0.