Top 20 NuGet data Packages

This is a list of extension methods that make it easy to work with comon WinForms Controls and classes.
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
Marktek.Fluent.Testing.Engine - A flexible Engine allowing you to focus on reusable components and removing the need to have messy unreadable tests
SQLHelper is a simple class to help with MSSQL databases
Allows one to programmatically set data breakpoints (Win64 only)
Fake data generator for .net standart.
Simple data of people. For testing purposes only.
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Data.Abstractions and EntityFrameworkCore on ASP.NET Core extension implementation.
Library to help using connections and querys to MSSQLServer, SQLite and MSAccess
A Generic framework for developing a migration work flow.
JavaScript Library in OctopusFramework
SqlKata SqlQueryBuilder package for Cosmos.Data.
Contains shared dll's and managers for api programming and data operations.
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for .Net (forked from master branch to add Support to (Multi Targting) netcoreapp3.1, Net 6.0, Net 7.0 And Net 8.0) linked data extension
ATG.DataStructures is a library that provides optimized data structures for algorithmic trading