Top 20 NuGet data Packages
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify MySql data access.
Crypteron CipherDB Agent for Entity Framework Core
Crypteron CipherDB Agent for Entity Framework Core
WinCopies framework's data handling package.
Microsoft SQL Server package for Cosmos.Data.
Sqlite package for Cosmos.Data.
PostgreSql package for Cosmos.Data.
MySqlConnector package for Cosmos.Data.
Oracle official MySql.Data package for Cosmos.Data.
Extra package for Microsoft DependencyInjection extensions and Cosmos Data service.
Extra package for Autofac and Cosmos Data service.
Extra package for NCC AspectCore DependencyInjection extensions and Cosmos Data service.
Cosmos data core library.
Microsoft SQL Server package for Cosmos.Dapper
PostgreSql package for Cosmos.Dapper
Oracle package with Cosmos.Dapper
MySqlConnector package with Cosmos.Dapper
Oracle official MySql.Data package with Cosmos.Dapper
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for WinForms (forked from master branch to add Support to (Multi Targting) netcoreapp3.1, Net 6.0, Net 7.0 And Net 8.0)
Allow you to interface with digital IO hardware, and a large number of sensors. Including features to upload to web chart