Top 20 NuGet data Packages

Data reader helper for SqlDataReader
Data reader helper for SqlDataReader
The ADODC use for ADO.NET and it's components
Awesome priority queue
Priority queue for net standard. GitHub link:
Async data access implemantacion for MongoDB based on repository pattern.
Export Data Datatable to Excel File
Package Description
data library
This SqLite data wrapper was designed to simplify using SqLite data access for anyone wishing to use SqLite as a database or document format in a .Net project. There is a base SQLite class called: SqLiteDataAccess. There is also a utility class that inherits SqLiteDataAccess that is called SQLiteDb...
Data Access library for NET standard
Get your Personal Data
Makes text tables out of data, used for university labs. In our university most of the tasks require that you print out both the input data and the results in tables, Tabler is a utility to help out with that chore.