Top 20 NuGet data Packages

a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
Lightweight .NET library to pull data from YouTube. It deals only with list request and only those that don't need authentication. Supports lazy loading paginated results.
An out of the box integration for fluent validation framework and INotifyDataErrorInfo interface. just decorate your target class with [NotifyDataErrorInfo(typeof(<FluentValidatorType>))] . Recommended to use with Syncfusion Data Form.
Random data generator for POCO classes
IBM Data Server provider for .NET Core.
DataSuit AspNetCore extension
Store your data in Local storage just by adding the SettingsAttribute on top of the properies to store or on top of your settings class and let our aspect do the rest for you. It work by weaving the geter and seter for the target property to make sure that it read/write from local storage.
A library that allows quick creation of CRM imports
Data Access Layer
An extension for the versatile pipelining library TicTacTube, that allows the integration of telegram bots.
An extension for the versatile pipelining library TicTacTube, that allows the integration of soundcloud. Creating new Soundcloud API-keys is currently disabled, therefore this API uses web parsing which may be against soundcloud's terms of service. Only use with soundclouds written permission.
Simple but DI-aware and extensible repository for EF DbContext
A Football Data Client for Support .Net Standard 2.0
Use GNU Octave in .NET applications.
A Sql Server implmentation of the Data.Dump engine for easy creation of data extractions based on any dataset or poco, with a low memory footprint.
A C# data dump engine for easy creation of data extractions based on any dataset or poco, with a low memory footprint.
A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support automatically recording data changes history. This version has been enhanced with additional configuration options. This was originally based on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.AutoHistory.
Interactive Data Display for WPF is a set of controls for adding interactive visualization of dynamic data to your application.