Top 20 NuGet cube Packages

Library for using Cube projects in .NET Framework 3.5.
Syncfusion’s OLAP for UWP is a .NET library that contains classes, interfaces, and events that help fetch and process the OLAP cube data to a standard pivot engine. It is later used to render Olap Grid, Olap Chart, Olap Gauge, and Olap Client visualization components in UWP. Also, MDX query parser i...
Key reasons for using the Rubik's Cube MVVM Toolkit in your applications: a. To get rid of the need to get/set Command properties in the view model. b. To simplify work with the configuration file. Common settings, such as Window State and Position of Window, are already implemented. c. To simplify ...
This nuget package is the runtime/redistribuable part of the Visual Studio AdaptiveLINQ extension. AdaptiveLINQ provide the .QueryByCube(), IQueryable extension method. This will help you to build an analysis engine (without needed of any expensive OLAP technology). Define your cubes using the Adapt...
7-Zip wrapper library for .NET.
Framework for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE Cube.XRM.Framework.Core: This is the main project of this framework. If you want to integrate external applications with Dynamics CRM you have to generate a Service object and connect to the Dynamics CRM. This project generates Dynamics CRM Service and connect...
LinqCube is a small utility library to define measures and dimensions in code an do in-memory cubes against LINQ queries.
A local multi-dimensional analytic collection.
Provides WITH CUBE emulation for entity framework.
SamoSsas is an API specifically designed for an effective way to handle the processing of SSAS cubes and monitor this processing.
Framework for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, 2015, 2016 and Dynamics 365
7-Zip library (7z.dll) optimized for Japanese encoding.