Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Wix# is a framework for building a complete MSI or WiX source code by using build script files written with the C# syntax. The package contains the sample code for building a simple MSI with the CLR WinForm dialog inserted into UI sequence between InsallDirDlg and VerifyReadyDlg native MSI dialogs. ...
Bootstrap installation into Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery 2 installation into Bridge.NET projects.
WebGL installation into Bridge.NET projects.
biz.dfch.CS.StateMachine ======================== A simple C# based State Machine that can be configured via State Transitions based on an idea by [Juliet]( "[Simple state machine example in C#?](
Provides a cross-platform implementation of some analytics providers.
NWebDav.Server is a flexible WebDAV server library that can be used to expose files or other data using WebDAV
The GTmetrix-net .Net client interacts with the REST API allowing you to utilize GTmetrixs features using a .NET interface.
biz.dfch.Appclusive.Products ======================== EntityKinds and Data Transfer Objects for intrinsic Products of the Appclusive Framework.
AutoMapper extensions to help map LinkIt Linked Sources to DTOs by convention.
biz.dfch.CS.Commons ======================== Common C#/.NET classes d-fens GmbH, General-Guisan-Strasse 6, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland ## Download * Get it on [NuGet]( * See [Releases]( an...
This is a fork for zkweb project which use ZKWeb.System.Drawing. QRCoder is a simple library, written in C#.NET, which enables you to create QR Codes. It's licensed under the MIT-license.
ASP.NET Library that enables fast development of REST API that read data from SQL Server 2016+ and Azure SQL database. enables easy creation of JQUeyr DataTable and OData REST API.
Allows backwards compatibility for your JSON based APIs by differentiating between 'Null' and 'Not Supplied'. This is the JsonConverters package which allows correct serialization and deserialization of OptionalTypes in Asp.Net Core and WebAPI.
The windows .net framework redbridge library
Modern OpenGL bindings for C#, Xamarin.Android utilities. It includes an SurfaceView implementation that ease the OpenGL context creation on Android.
This package contains bindings for using Bond with gRPC. The Bond-generated gRPC code depends on types in this assembly. Bond is an open source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language serialization/deserialization and powerful generic mechan...
An extension for string class in .net standard
SignalR binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Scripthost binding library for Bridge.NET projects.