Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

This NuGet package contains the Trial Version iConfRTCWinform.dll (x64) needed to compile a project that uses the iConfRTC SDK in a Winforms Application. The iConfRTC SDK is designed to help develoeprs easily create WebRTC enabled desktop based applications.
Just a collection of dotnet-script compatible scripts to be used in build scripts.
Neutronium is a MVVM HTLM View engine for C# application. This is the javascript binding based on vue.js framework.
Neutronium is a MVVM HTLM View engine for C# application. This is a standalone package including Knockout.js and ChromiumFx.
Token authentication libary includes generating JWT authentication token and optionally refreshing the token each request. Fully configurable with Token Builder
Common compiler libraries for C#/F#-to-JavaScript translation
Generates code from a Lottie file. This is the most efficient way to render Lottie files on Windows.
Enriches Serilog events with information from logger properties that was enriched earlier.
C.R.O.W. is a widget toolkit and rendering engine developed in C# with templates, styles, compositing, and bindings.
Kexla is mappper for CRUD opreation for WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
Easy tool for comparing lists in C#.
NoesisGUI core library for engine integrations
Addition to the CodeMonkeys.DependencyInjection package which integrates Ninject as the background implementation.
Provides renderers based on the Scriban templating engine that can be used to render websites in projects running on the GenHTTP webserver.
Basic dependencies for projects using the GenHTTP framework, including the engine itself
EntityFrameworkCore support for Nodatime in SqlServer
EDK4Net is a framework designed to simplify the development of applications and libraries in c#/ available for .NET Framework 4.7.2 and .NET Core 6.0. The main features of the framework are: ORM, proprietary query language, Logging, Auditing, Caching, Localization, Customized web controls for ...
BoltOn is an open source framework to build any .NET application with proper separation of concerns.
Generic tools for EntityFrameworkCore
This is an add-on to BoltOn NuGet package to support Entity Framework