Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Wrapper for the unofficial azur lane api
AsNet.Shared.Azure es una librería que contiene funcionalidad para administración de Azure Storage Shared Files. Posee metodos sincronos y asincronos para el upload y download de archivos.
Provides simple structure for using the repository pattern with EntityFramework Core
.NET client library for OPC DA versions 1.0, 2.05A, 3.0. 修补.NetCore 订阅失效
BlendHelpOverlay is a C# helper framework that compliments BlendWindow.
This is a direct port of RandomShuffler for Dot Net Framework. Everything should work the same. I am starting with the same version the Dot Net Framework was at, but since this is the first version for Dot Net Core, use with caution.
Simple classes / tools / wrappers to manipulate data on Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
NancyFx middleware to host it directly in Kestrel server in ASP.Net Core
Temporary upload until pull request has been published
Package Description
A .NET wrapper for purchases using the Steam WebAPI.
Biblioteca de acesso à api do serviço de assinatura de documentos online ClickSign baseada em .Net Standard 2.0.
This is a port of the Dot Net Core version of CryptographyHelper from my Dot Net Framework project DataJuggler.Core.UltimateHelper. The code is available here: This project adds many Nuget dependencies to use Konscious.Security.Cryptogr...
A simple string builder with fast append performance.
Collection of enum helper method
CQRS components
A Api that fetches images from Pixiv
.NET Standard service for verifying Google ReCaptcha
Provides simple I/O communication interface between applications