Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

A plugin interface designed to easily create plugins for Universal Server
A simple reference to do easy payments with zarinpal!
CoinMarketCal API C# wrapper
A simple C# scripting engine without dependencies (beyond .NET 3.5). Usage: var executor = new ScriptExecutor(... any ScriptLogger ...); executor.Execute(... source code ...);
Allows to set up infrastructure for your ASP.NET Core application with just a few extension methods.
Set of commonly used extension methods in C#
Application localization services and default implementation based on XmlResourceManager to load localization strings from XML files.
Easy WCF Publisher Subscriber Service Implementation
Easy WCF Publisher Subscriber Service Implementation
A .NET interoperability library to access the R statistical language runtime from .NET languages. The library is designed for fast data exchange, in process.
A .NET object-object mapper.
A modular and thread safe execution engine built on C#
Alterian Email Manager C# Client Library
Tungsten.InterProcess is a utility library for using WM_COPYDATA to send messages to other Winforms applications
Simple .Net wrapper to control Sony Bravia devices through IRCC
A C# type member code generator.
C# binding for Bitprim Bitcoin platform
Checks HDMI Cable is Connected or Not In C# Platform.
C# binding for Bitprim Bitcoin platform