Top 20 NuGet crud Packages

This is the SDK Wrapper containing pre-made functions used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.92 API
Asp.Net MVC HtmlHelper method for creating links generating a modal CRUD actions using Jquery and Ajax with MVC Juste use as example: @Html.ActionModalLink(Url.Action("IndexPartial", "documents"), Url.Action("Edit", "documents",new { id = item.IdDocument }),null, null, ActionType...
An ORM framework.
Base compoment for TableList.Mvc or TableList.Mvc.Core NuGet libraries.
UI compoments for TableList.Mvc or TableList.Mvc.Core NuGet libraries.
This is the SDK Wrapper containing pre-made functions used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.93 API
Biblioteca responsável pela camada de banco de dados.
Biblioteca responsável por criar atributos customizados para utilização em conjunto com crud
(Forked from olegil/SqlBulkTools) High-performance C# Bulk operations for SQL Server (starting from 2008) and Azure SQL Database. Supports Bulk Insert, Update, Delete & Merge. Uses SQLBulkCopy under the hood. Please leave a Github star if you find this project useful.
A crud for entityframework
Dapper extensions and connection class. Allows advanced searching and sorting and crud functions. Maps to tables and columns via attributes. Even has many ways to be smart about updating. Even allows multiple tables include one to many joins with up to 3 tables.
CRUD extension for Dapper
CRUD based ORM system. Simple to set up and use.
This is the SDK Wrapper containing pre-made functions used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.95 API
SAP Hana 2.0 Generic Repository with [HanaId], [HanaColumnName], [HanaDatabaseEncodedValue] attributes to be used for database CRUD operations on existing Hana DB schema created with CDS. It needs the dotnetcore v2.1 x64 database driver released in SAP HANA Express 2.0 SPS04 as reference (found in f...
Erleichtert die Konfiguration des DataAccessLayer mittels JSON-File