Top 20 NuGet cqrs Packages

Package Description
Package Description
Simple CQRS implementation that utilizes the decorator pattern.
Storm framework for API with aspnet core
Enables command handlers and query handlers to be registered using LightInject.
Testing library for CQRS features
MQ support for CQRS features
InMemory provider for Clinia CQRS domain store.
Clinia CQRS Memory Cache Provider
EntityFramework.Core Runtime for Reinforced.Tecture
Lightweight package to implement CQRS (Command Query Response Segregation) based application.
Plumberd is a lightweight library to make working with EventStore easy. It's makes it super easy for everyone familiar with ASP Controllers or WCF to jump into CQRS and EventSourcing. All the plumbing is automated.
Mediator pattern using source generation for .NET
In-process message broker
Paykan extensions to integrate with microsoft dependency injection
MVVM and CQRS Toolkit for W81/WPA81/UWP/.NET Core 1.0/.NET 4.5 apps
The built-in, Sql Store in the CQRS.NET cannot process non-primitive properties on the entity classes in read stores and data stores. If your entity classes require more comp[lexity than just basic, flat primitive property structures, this package will allow you to use Microsoft SqlServer as a...
Package Description
Provides a default implementation of a Spritely.ReadModel on top of MongoDB.