Top 20 NuGet couchbase Packages

Couchbase cache implementation for Sixeyed.Caching.
Couchbase binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Couchbase RestSharp and Hammock HTTP view clients.
Couchbase log4net logging adapter for the Couchbase .NET Client Library.
Couchbase NLog logging adapter for the Couchbase .NET Client Library.
A class library for querying and manipulating Couchbase document stores.
This library adds Couchbase support as a store for RapidCache
Mono compatible Couchbase client library for .NET based languages.
Couchbase client logging tab for Glimpse
Framework for creating Couchbase views from attributes on model classes.
Orleans EventSourcing Couchbase EventStore Plusin
Couchbase second level Cache provider for NHibernate
This package contains the 'CouchBaseLite' plugin for MvvmCross.
This package contains the 'CouchBaseLite' plugin for MvvmCross.
Couchbase N1QL 帮助类
Couchbase second level Cache provider for NHibernate