Top 20 NuGet coreclr Packages

A C# implementation of the Modbus protocol. Provides connectivity to Modbus slave compatible devices and applications. Supports TCP, and UDP protocols.
This is a port of NCalc for .NET Core applications.
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp core library FSharp.Core.dll Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (netstandard1.6)
Tool to auto-generate BCL package nuspec dependencies for CoreCLR projects
CoreProfiler - A .NET Core Profiling Library
CoreProfiler.Web - A .NET Core Profiling Library
CoreProfiler.Wcf - A .NET Core Profiling Library
.NET Core compatible version of fsharp interactive fsi.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (.netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp compiler fsc.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (.netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp compiler fsc.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (netstandard1.6)
DevHub client library interfaces
This package provides all native binaries and internal scripts needed to run Edge.js. This package copies the 'edge' folder to the build directory and creates a link in the project root to make debugging possible.
MySql.Data.MySqlClient .Net Core Class Library
The Enterprise Library Common assembly contains elements that are shared among multiple application blocks. By supplying a set of commonly used functions to all the application blocks, the Common assembly reduces the dependency of one application block on another.
The Validation Application Block provides useful features that allow developers to implement structured and easy-to-maintain validation scenarios in their applications.