Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Jabberwocky Core
Jabberwocky Core CodeAnalysis
Jabberwocky Glass CodeAnalysis
Core Knight Blades, used when Coding with Honor!
Core Knight Blades for ASP.NET Core Mvc, used when Coding with Honor!
Core Knight Blades for Queueing clients, used when Coding with Honor!
Core Knight Blades for JSON serialization, used when Coding with Honor!
Resque.Core is a dotnet core package for Resque compatible with resque rails.
.NET Core 2.0 port of the TensorFlow C# Library
Collection of interfaces and classes used on in bytelab applications
Utilerias SCV
Librearía Core que contiene la estructura básica de ViewModels, Servicios, y Convertidores de SCV
Microsoft Azure IoT Edge Core native runtime for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
.NET Standard v1.3 interface for module development on Azure IoT Edge.
Microsoft Azure IoT Edge Core native runtime for Windows 10.
RekTec Core Class Library