Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Ding.Scheduler.Server是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的任务调度控制器。
Ding.Hangfire是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的基于Hangfire的定时计划处理类。
Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS adds Geospatial support for Lucene.Net
The PayPal Core SDK addresses the essential needs of the PayPal API caller: Frequent and up-to-date releases: The PayPal Core SDK is available on NuGet, which translates as immediate SDK refreshes upon updates to PayPal APIs. Simpler configuration: The PayPal Core SDK supports dynamic configuration....
Core functionality for QuintSys MVC Web projects.
Output module for Gemini, providing a buffered output tool pane.
Core of YaccConstructor: IL, common functions, grammar transformations, managers and checkers.
Ядро фреймворка Meerkat
Helper-ы для работы с MongoDb
Modern Stylesheet-Standards for the Professional Developer
NRepository.TestKit is a collection of helper classes for NRepsoitory.
Library for accessing common Eve Online APIs.
NRepository.MongoDb is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
Lucas Solutions Core Contract
ThinkingHome plugin which provide API for wireless control of appliances using the nooLite system.
Core Models for NetBots Game Engine
This plugin provides basic data structures, components and utilities, mainly used by other Frozen plugins.
This plugin provides special effects components such as Particle emitters and Lightning generators.
This plugin provides data structures for the generation of procedural Noise function and Graph triangulation.
This plugin provides UI Widgets and controllers.