Top 20 NuGet cordova Packages

Cordova Plugin App Version (cordova-plugin-app-version) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Cordova binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Onesignal Cordova Plugin (onesignal-cordova-plugin) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Cordova Universal Links Plugin (cordova-universal-links-plugin) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Cordova Plugin File Opener2 (cordova-plugin-file-opener2) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Cordova Plugin Canvascamera (cordova-plugin-canvascamera) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Cordova Plugin Badge (cordova-plugin-badge) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
The Quicklight web framework allows for the creation of a loosely coupled composite web application. It provides dependancy injection, event management, region management and a framework for building MVVM applications using the razor engine to generate views
Interface to handle logging work
Javascript client for accessing secure WebAPI services incl. (social/facebook) authentication
This package contains the required metadata to write c# code against the PhoneGap/Cordova javascript library version 2.1.0. Used along with Quicklight.Web it allows for the creation of native apps for mobile phones. See for further details
Cordova Google analytics module for Angulartics. See Angular.Analytics.Core for more details [NuGet packaging by ADAPTByDesign]
JavaScript client libraries for Cordova applications that support Office 365 APIs for Mail, Calendar, Contacts. Learn more about how to use these libraries @
This packages helps you bootstrap Angular in a Cordova apps within a VisualStudio 2015 Apache Cordova project using Tools for Apache Cordova. Contains: - Angular on Cordova bootstrap - Support for dalogs - Exception handling - Device events hooks - Animated transitions
Lightweight framework for developing HTML5 hybrid cross-platform applications.
Mobile framework to develop hybrids apps with iOS & Android native look and feel. + Font Awesome Icons
Application Insights API enables you to get insights into user behavior and monitor usage patterns for your JavaScript applications. Application Insights service collects the data, analyzes it and presents the results in the forms of graphs and reports in Application Insights portal in Microsoft Azu...
Xamarin bindings for Cordova Android platform