Top 20 NuGet copy Packages

Extensions to make c# easier to use when doing functional code. Copy update expressions. Helper extensions.
.NET Core global tool that post processes XML documentation files to support an <inheritdoc/> tag allowing inheriting XML comments from base types, interfaces, and similar methods. Works with .NET Framework, .NET Standard, and .NET Core projects. See the separate InheritDocLib NuGet package fo...
Easy to use clients for common file, directory and IO tasks.
*** V4.0.0 is not compatible with backups from prior versions *** DotNet Tools command line implementation for backup, copy, delete and restore of Azure tables to/from local file or Azure blob storage using TheByteStuff.AzureTableUtilities found on NuGet:
The Web Application project supports the use of linked project files, however, when the project is built those files are not copied into the web application folder and hence are not available to the web application. This package adds MSBuild target which copies all content files added as link to Web...
A C# library which gives you basic functions for type conversion and object transformation
Deep clone or copy any complex object without the hassle of serialization, decoration or custom mappings.
DeepClone, Serialize & Deserialize extension methods, useful for testing.
This is a C# based .NET 4 library that is used to deep clone objects, whether they are serializable or not. It intends to be much faster than the normal binary serialization method of deep cloning objects. This is basically just slightly tidied up code from
Object Extensions can be used to: (1) Create flattend structures (2) Compare or Combine two objects (3) Get or Set member values (4) Deep Clone (5) Save (text file,S3) object graph (6) Get metadata (7) Get type information (8) Create instance (9) Copy to another object (10) Snapshots Visit the pr...
.NET classes for copying, comparing and converting object structures.
Backup, Copy, Delete and Restore options for use with Azure Tables. An alternative to tools such as AZCopy. Backup destination may be to a local file or to Azure storage blob. File may be optionally compressed (zipped). Copy allows for the same or different connection spec for Source and Destinat...
Middle layer framework to compose functions such as "clone", "compare", "serialize" etc using "navigation expressions" and provide some abstractions missed in standard framework ("repository", "buffered conditional logging", etc.).
Copies input azure table to files
A .NET object-mapper useful to deep-copy an object, or transform (map) an object of a certain type to another type.
Library with common extensions and helpers for use Dapper in code
Entity framework core extension to perform Postgres copy
Unified algorithm support for indexed .NET collections.
Plugins and utility classes for REST API projects using Mono, ServiceStack, MongoDB and RQL