Top 20 NuGet cookie Packages
With this Package you can clear all applicaion's cookies. So if you are already logged in with your social media account you can simply log out with this.
A session provider for Freya
ConfigurationSection repo for RToggle
An owin middleware for JWT tokens and optional cookie parsing with an owin signin delegate.
This library is used to simplify the pipeline to use external cookie identity as application identity directly.
Module系统Identity Cookie登录模块
ASP.NET 5 External Cookie Library
Utilities for C#
Cookign is a new library that is responsible for managing the identification and authorization of users on websites.
The RavenDB session store implementation for use with FreyaSessionProvider
Blazor JavaScript Utilities.
Cookie is a JavaScript library that proposes an abstraction the document.cookie API, designed to make cookies management simple and easy.
Django Sign Cookie support for
So that Django app & website could share the same signed cookie.
Angular module to ease the access of localStorage, sessionStorage and cookie.