Top 20 NuGet convert Packages

The ASP.NET integration for HtmlToJavaScript. Provides a handler to transform *.js.html from Html to JavaScript on the fly.
A simple and userful object that stores data in a dictionary and has lots of safe type conversion capabilities.
Convert delimited list of strings to Excel.
Convert a variety of file types to PDF using OpenOffice v4.1.2
A helpful library for including signals into your domain model.
Html2Amp is a library for converting regular html to AMP html.
A C# library for converting objects to url querystrings
A plugin for ImageProcessor adding PDF as a recognized input format. This allows you to easily show thumbnails from PDF's.
Portable .Net Client for Document Conversion Suite Cloud Service You can get your client key from:
.NET standard class library to convert string identifiers to various code casing styles
Extension for FlashMapper that allows to map data from multiple sources.
So if you using MT message for banking operation or Posting messages for companies. You can send transliteration message on QAZAQ your partners.
This is a unit-tested C# library that can convert Well Known Text (WKT) / Well Known Binary (WKB) to and from ESRI's ArcGIS Runtime Geometry. The motivation for this library is a no-dependency and small footprint WKT/WKB parser. It has some limited-functionality but is a alternative to more robust ...
.NET Core RSA algorithm using the help tool.It supports data encryption, decryption, signature and verification signature.It supports three key formats, namely: xml, pkcs1, pkcs8.It also supports key conversion for these three formats.Last also support pem formatting.
Parses unkown JSON to a <name, value, type, childs...> - List. Implemented as Extension-Method.
FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created
Extension for SharpKML.Core to generate Well Known Text (WKT)
Transformations.NET - transforms coordinates between various coordinate systems used in Bulgaria.