Top 20 NuGet control Packages

The common service registry allows a library to specify IoC registrations independant from the used IoC.
Android (Notification) Toast Control for WPF
WPF custom layout panel
Uygulama içerisindeki nesne yaratma süreclerine sizin yerinize takip eder :)
Custom Windows Forms Controls to make UI have a good looking
Some WPF controls
Xamarin.Android custom controls with swipe actions.
Aquest control serveix per generar una calculadora.
Image with crossfading animation
A simple enumeration of the user account control flags for Windows user accounts
A WPF control to provide a human-friendly way to select a date range.
Simple and highly customizable Xamarin.iOS tag list view.
Wpf Caret is a customisable framework element can be used to easily implement caret in your app...
A Xamarin.Forms UI control package
Package provides functionality to build GridView based on your model items collection. Grid.Mvc support sorting, filtering and paging your data. Based off of Grid.Mvc.Redux at
WPF Controls: - FilePicker - FolderPicker - etc.
ASP.NET Google Map Control for Google Maps API - free development build. For non-commercial use only!