Top 20 NuGet consul Packages

A library for consuming consul values in a continuous stream using the Reactive Extensions
Long running Akka.NET scheduler backed by Akka.Persistence
Consul.NET is a .NET implementation of the API. This library contains the service interfaces and JSON models. Include this library to reference the Consul services. (Ex. IConsulCatalogServiceHttpApiService). If you need to run the client see the *.Client implementations. Built on top ...
Neflix Consul Client
Neflix Consul Client
一个基于GRPC的简单微服务框架 1.服务注册和发现 2.服务自动负载均衡 3.服务端中件间(性能监控[日志],全局错误处理,手动熔断) 4.客户端中件间(认证,超时时间设置) 5.DashBoard(远程调用,手动熔断,日志输出控制) 6.Grpc CodeFirst
注入 Consul 客户端到 Asp.Net Core 容器:services.AddConsulClient();
C# API client for Consul
.NET client API for Consul (
Consul Rset Api dotnet Client
.Net client for the Consul service registry
Enable service registration by consul.
Consul configuration source for Stronk.
Service Discovery for Consul
Consul Service registration for ASP.NET Core
基于GRPC CONSUL的一个微服务架构lib
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Package Description
Package Description