Top 20 NuGet connection Packages

Consul-based configuration and discovery for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
Console host for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
A minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
REST-style connections for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
In-memory implementations (useful for unit testing, small deployments) for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
UnitOfWork for LiteDB
Make object of Connector of Dll. StartInternetCheck() is exposed method to check internet connection every second and log it if disconnected. CheckIfInternetConnected() is another method to check if internet is connected only once. Returns flag. 1. It verifies whether internet is connected every...
ConnectionString Library
Easy and simple Oracle db mapper
It's the instead connect to Azure SQL and SQL Server database connector with our ASP.Net applications and less code to create connection to any type of Sql Database. Example: Console, Web Form, MVC5 applications etc.
Package Description
WinForms menu item for managing database connection strings and concealing sensitive information
This library contains types that contain common information for any functionality that operates over a network, and is configurable.
A WordPress Migration Assistant
Collection of classes to help retrieve settings from App.config files in .NET.
API development useful objects
Couple methods which allows to generate connection string in Code. It genreates connection string without database name (for database creation) with database, for CRUD operations, and entity framework connection string with all metadata.
This package contains classes for connecting to SQL-Server , Oracle and OleDb compatible databases using managed data providers for C# and VB.NET programming language
Tools and extensions for working with data.